
If It’s Working Where You’re At, Don’t Check Other Spots | Surf Sayings pt. 1
Everything we humans do during our short time on this blue marble is a process. An ancestor discovers the doing of the thing and each successive generation does it better. As time distills our shared knowledge,...
The Humble Beach Clean Up
The ocean is big. Too big even. Trying to save it all before the sun goes down will leave ya burnt out and more useless than when you started. In the case of environmental conservation, done is better...
You Should Have Been Here this Morning | Surf Sayings pt. 2
Infuriating. Frustrating. Eye roll inducing.  “You should have been here this morning.” Words accompanied by a look of pity that slowly creeps into a self-satisfied smirk.  It’s not just...
Europe, I’m Gonna Miss You! My 6 Favorite Hidden Gems in Europe
If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you. I know what it feels like when it seems like there are...
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